Rhinelander, WI Dental ServiceDrews Dental, LLCDrews Dental is the name you can trust in providing quality dental services in the Northwoods. We take pride in making sure each patient has their oral needs met with a gentle and personalized touch. We offer a comfortable atmosphere and caring staff to make each visit enjoyable. Dr. Summer Drews was born and raised in the Rhinelander area. Dentistry has been a part of her life from an early age. She spent her summers working at her father's dental office and, after receiving her schooling at the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire and the Marquette School of Dentistry in Milwaukee, she was happy to return to that office, now known as Drews Dental. She enjoys several outdoor activities such as nordic skiing and kayaking but spends much of her time with her nose buried in a good book. Finances:
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Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 (Lunch 12:00-1:00) |